baby boy

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Big Reveal!

Today we went for our appointment with the perinatologist.  He did our sonogram and confirmed that everything looked great!  We were very thankful to hear this!  It was so fun to see his/her little fingers and toes.  We told the Dr. that we wanted him to find out the gender, but not tell us.  Instead, we wanted him to seal the results in an envelope.  So, at certain times, he would have us close our eyes, to keep it a surprise.  The baby weighs 7oz and the heartrate was 155 beats per minute.  It's so amazing to think that all of that is going on inside of me. 

After we left the appointment, we took the envelope to the bakery and ordered a cake.  They baked us a layered cake and put either blue or pink filling inside.  Then all of our family came over at 7 and we were also able to Skype with Lesley in Minnesota.  We cut into the cake, and found out together what we're having...

This is the group that voted GIRL!

And this group voted BOY!
Pink and Blue Snacks & Drinks
The Reveal Cake


"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"
Jeremiah 1:5

Sunday, January 13, 2013

15 weeks!

Well, it's hard to believe we've already passed the 15 week mark.  We had a great time celebrating the birth of our Saviour with friends and family.  My nausea and sickness got worse around 12-13 weeks which kept us from attending a few of the events.  We were sorry to miss out on those, but thankful for a good reason to have to miss.  Baby H felt the love this Christmas!  So many people are already showering him/her with gifts and we have quite the collection already!  Thank you so much for that! We rang in the New Year from the couch.  It was a cold and snowy day, and although my nausea was improving, I had gotten a head cold, so we decided it was best to stay in.  I took a nap from about 9-10pm, just so I could make it to midnight :) This baby is already changing our lives! We did go outside and take a 5 minute walk in the snow, it was so pretty! Since the first of the year I have been having more good days than bad.  I have several good days in a row and I think I'm in the clear, followed by several not so good days.  I am still thankful that it's getting better.  I no longer wear my sea bands. Yay!  Most foods sound and taste good again, which I'm very thankful for! I still have to be cautious about snacking throughout the day and not letting myself get hungry. 

I had my 15 week appointment with Dr. Holly last Friday. 
  • I'm measuring at about 17 weeks, instead of 15.  This baby is already taking after his/her father!
  • I've only gained 1 pound since my last appointment
  • The heart rate was 120, so the baby was just resting instead of running around in there
  • My blood type was A+, so no rhogam shot for me :)
  • We are scheduled to see a perinatologist in 2 weeks since I'm considered high risk due to my age and my blood clotting disorders
  • I felt my first flutter of the baby moving around and can't wait to feel it again!
Here are a few pictures that we've taken since the last update!  Enjoy!