Happy 15 months! It's hard to believe it already the end of August! Mitch and I were talking about how it does seem like the time has slowed down a little bit in some ways. Maybe it's because he's not changing quite as much from month to month. He still does new things everyday and some days he just seems to wake up looking older or taller, but he isn't changing nearly as much as he did in the first year. He is still wearing 12/18 month clothes and size 5 shoes. He has 7 teeth now and his hands have been in his mouth a lot this week, so maybe number 8 is on it's way in. He basically runs all day long! The kitchen is his favorite place to play these days. He loves to load and unload the cabinets, play with the magnets and drag his toys into the kitchen. He is definitely taller because he can reach new things! He can reach to get something off the edge of the kitchen counter, open the oven door, get things off the kitchen table and touch the door knobs! Child proofing has reached the next level in our house! Daddy installed a gate at the top of the stairs and magnetic door locks on the cabinets and drawers. We left 2 cabinets open and moved all plastics to those so he can still play. He loves to get out bowls and spoons and just stir and stir! I find random things in those 2 cabinets and things from those 2 cabinets in random places throughout the house! It makes me smile when I open the cabinet to get a mixing bowl and find some of his treasures there instead and then go to the living room in search of my bowl! We are in Week 7 of our 5K training and he continues to love being outside and pointing at everything he sees. We have started attending the newest of the Lenexa Baptist satellite campuses, Fellowship West in Bonner Springs. It's a big change for us, but we are excited about what God is doing at that church already. The shorter drive is really nice. Caden has been going to nursery there and the first Sunday was the only one in his room. Since then he's had friends to play with. He's started saying mommy, daddy, bye-bye, dog, ah-choo(complete with head actions whenever you sneeze or yawn). He understands so much of what we say. It's fun to ask him to retrieve a specific toy or his water cup and watch him go look for it and bring it back to us. He continues to love music, dancing, snapping, waving, smiling,
He loves reading books
He hides behind his chair then jumps out to surprise us while squealing
Helping mommy vacuum :)
Keeping the stuffed animals well hydrated!
Lunch at TRex with GiGi and Aunt Shannon
Quick! He's sitting still!
We took him to dinner at Fritz's. He LOVED it! He couldn't even eat his dinner he was so busy pointing at the trains and kids.