baby boy

Thursday, January 22, 2015

20 month update

Caden celebrated 20 months yesterday!  That's sounding much closer to becoming a 2 year old!  We had a great Christmas and New Year and were able to spend alot of time with our family.  Caden has been sick off and on for the last 2 weeks and finally seemed more like himself yesterday.  He had a cold, then felt good for a couple days, then got feeling bad again.  It's been great to have some nice warm days where we could go outside and enjoy the sunshine since we'd spent alot of time at home getting well!

He weighs 26 pounds, dressed, according to our scale at home.  I tried measuring him and I'm not so sure that it was accurate ;) He continues to say new words and repeats what we say.  I love that he says new things every day! He even talks in his sleep.  I guess he's practicing.  Earlier this week, we were at the store and I picked up a box of raisins.  He tried opeing the box to eat them, since raisins are a favorite.  I told him he couldn't eat them and, "we need to buy this first."  He proceded to run through the aisles yelling, "buy this, buy this!" It was pretty funny.  One of my favorites right now is, "Oh baby!" He uses this phrase when he's excited about food or when he's done something impressive :)  He loves to throw things and has quite the arm.  Daddy says he throws a 75 mph fast ball. He loves to dip his food!  He'll dip anything in salsa and also likes marinara, berry sauce and chocolate sauce for dipping.

When we ask for a kiss he points to each of our cheeks, asking where we want the kiss.  If he's not in the mood to give me a kiss, he'll tell Daddy to kiss me instead.  He is pretty clear about what he wants and will be glad to communicate it.  Daddy has been teaching him his left and right and he knows which is which when you ask.  He continues to love books and has recently started really liking to do puzzles.  He likes to give high fives and fist bumps.  He even gives himself a high five after he gives us one. 

He loves the Jars of Clay CD we got Mitch for Christmas.  He knows how to turn the CD player on a plays that disc multiple times a day.  He dances all the time and has different moves for different kinds of songs.  I love watching him dance!

Sugar cookie baking

 Aunt Lesley drove from Minnesota all day and came straight to our house to see Caden.  She got in on the cookie baking fun!

 Annual Christmas Date
We went to the Classic Cup on the Plaza

 We spent Christmas Eve with my family and went to the Christmas Eve Service at Fellowship West. 

 Christmas fun with Baw-Baw and GiGi

 He opened one present from us when we got home.  We bought him a Cookies for Santa plate and milk cup from Pottery Barn.  He also got his Christmas pjs.  He sampled Santa's cookies :)

 We spent Christmas Day with Mitch's family.  Caden was trying out his new motorized vehicle from Papa & Grandma.

 Playing in the new ball pit

 We got him the Happy Home Grill & Cottage and put it together the day after Christmas.  He loved it! He ran right over and started ringing the doorbell.

 Making an important phone call

He had a pretty bad reaction after I touched pecans and then touched is food.  We knew he had a peanut allergy, but we hadn't tried any tree nuts.  I neglected to wash my hands after touching the pecans and we had to give him Benedryl.  He was back to normal about an hour later.  So, we're going to have to talk to Dr Holly and be very cautious from now on. 

Aunt Shannon's surprise 30th birthday party. Can you tell it was bedtime?

This is his friend, Anderson, from church.  They like to play together in nursery.

New Year's Eve Smiles

We went to dinner at Longhorn with Mitch's family and some friends for New Year's Eve.  Then we went home and put Caden to bed.  We stayed up until midnight watching a movie and drinking sparkling juice :) I'm not sure why he had his fingers in his ears.  That's the only time I've ever seen him do that. 
Working hard on a puzzle

Selfie with my sweetie

He loves hats, socks and shoes all of a sudden.  He's disliked all of those things and now asks to wear shoes, boots or slippers while playing at home and likes to wear his hats and ours.

So cute!

All wrapped up in my scarf

Helping me dust with the Norwex dusting mitt

 He wanted to eat his snack in this box :)

Happy 20 months, Caden!

This is as close to sitting in his chair and holding the sign as I could get!