baby boy

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We've been having so much fun telling our friends and family.  We've been waiting for this for a long time!

We were celebrating Ken's birthday and Debbie's was the week before, so we gave them a joint birthday gift.  Don't you love the look of shock and surprise on their faces! Mitch's brother, Michael and his wife Aimee, were there for our announcement.  Mitch's sister, Lesley, lives in Minnesota, so she watched the announcement via Skype then came home to visit over Thanksgiving.
Then we had Thanksgiving Dinner at Eddie & Megan's house a couple days later.  Our nephew, Owen, helped us share the news!  I made him this onesie and dressed him in it to announce our news to my immediate family.  It says, "I'm thankful for my new cousin arriving in July."  Then he wore it the rest of the day to share the news with all our relatives! I like how he looks excited in the picture, like he understands what's going on :)

The Cowley-Jarratt Crew
This is my 8 week picture on Thanksgiving

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