baby boy

Friday, June 7, 2013

36 week update...or 2 week update :)

Well, a lot has happened since the last blog post.  Let me back up and fill you in. We did get released from the hospital on Wed, May 15th.  They felt like I'd gone several days with no new episodes and were comfortable with me going home on bed rest.  We were ready to be home, but also a little nervous.  I was able to sit/lay on the couch, do stairs 1-2 times a day and leave the house for Dr appts only.  Friends and family continued to help take good care of us and keep me company.  My mom and sisters came over and allowed me to "boss" them around in order to get the nursery put together.

We had a shower scheduled for Sat, May 18th.  My sister-in-law, Lesley, was flying in for the shower from Minnesota.  We changed the plans and had the shower at my house.  It was a shower for both sides of Mitch's family.  It was sweet that they brought the shower to me so we could still have it.

On Monday, I wasn't feeling well and went to lay down for a while in the afternoon. My mom, Meg and Owen were there working in the nursery.  I got up around 3 and started bleeding quite a bit again.  I called Dr Holly, she called the specialists and they suggested I go back to antepartum.  Well, it was nice while it lasted!  We quickly packed bags while Megan drove me to the hospital.  I went to the nurses desk and they said, "Sorry, your old room isn't clean."  You know you spend too much time in the hospital when you have "a room!"  Mitch met us there and we got settled back in. Dr Holly came by to check on me and said that everything looked fine.  I was hooked back up to monitors.  The contractions weren't causing me to dilate, so she said to plan on being there another 5 days for monitoring. I went ahead and ordered dinner and began to mentally prepare myself for at least another 5 days in the hospital.  Mitch ran to McDonald's to eat and send some work emails.  After he got back we were just relaxing and I started to feel the contractions.  I let the nurse know  and she had me drink a lot of water to see if they continued or maybe they were just Braxton Hicks.  I drank the water and the contractions continued.  They were getting stronger and were coming every 1 1/2 minutes and lasting 1 minute.  The nurse called Dr Holly and she had her check me.  I was dilated to a 1and she said she'd be transferring us to labor and delivery.  It took a while for that to sink in!!  We were not prepared for that, since just a couple hours before the Dr assured us I was not in labor.  How quickly things can change.  They moved me to labor and delivery down the hall a little after 11pm.  We were a little uneasy as we adjusted to the reality of the situation.  Mitch was great about taking my hand and praying for us and the baby.  We were resting in the knowledge that none of this had caught God off guard, this was exactly the way He planned it.  We knew that the baby was a good size and that he'd already had the magnesium for his brain and the steroid shots for his lungs.  I called my mom to let her know and have her go to our house for the video camera.  I told them we'd call when it got closer to the time of delivery.

We had been attending childbirth classes and made it to all but one of them.  Thanks, Sarah Young, for all the great information!  It was our plan to deliver naturally and had been practicing for that.  Well, being in premature labor changed things a little bit.  Because of the situation I wasn't able to use the shower, jacuzzi tub, wireless monitoring or walk around much.  I had to be hooked up to constant monitoring so I had limited movement.  The contractions were close together all through the night and spaced out a little around 2am.  After that they got closer together again and much harder.  This was not what I was expecting at all. By 6am I was only at a 2.  Then progressed to between a 3-4 at 8:40am. The contractions were coming one on top of the other and I couldn't catch my breath or recover before the next one hit. I asked for some medication that would lessen the pain for about an hour.  It worked great for an hour and a half, and I was able to get some rest.  After that the pain came back and we tried another dose of the meds, this time they did nothing for me.  I knew I had a long way to go still and couldn't handle it.  So, I broke down and asked for an epidural.  It was hard for me to do that because I had wanted to go naturally. So, far none of this was going the way I had planned, but it was time to adjust and go with plan B.  I got the epidural about 10am and felt better immediately.  I needed to rest in order to make it through the rest of the delivery.  I felt like I was weaker already from being on bed rest for several weeks.

Our families started arriving to support us from the waiting room.  They took turns visiting since I was doing much better with the epidural.  I was at a 5 when they checked me around 12:45 and went ahead and broke my water.  Dr Holly was at a school program for her daughter and wouldn't be available until about 3:00.  I wasn't in any hurry, because I wanted her to be there!  Breaking my water didn't help me to progress at all.  I was still at a 5 when she checked me around 3:00.  So far nothing about this labor seemed normal!  Mitch and I both took a nap.
Feeling a little more refreshed

My sisters came for a visit.  They held a mirror while I put my makeup on.  I figured that would make me feel better.  Little did I know that I'd slept through transition and at this point was dilated to a 7. 

I started to feel some more pain and called the nurse.  She checked me again and I was dilated to a 9-10 and was almost complete.  They called Dr Holly to let her know. She arrived and I started pushing at 5:23pm and delivered him at 5:46pm.  The cord was around his neck, so Mitch was giving me oxygen in between pushes.  The Dr and nurses were great to talk me through the process.  Dr Holly gave the baby to the NICU team standing by to access the situation.

  After they worked with him a few minutes, they put him in my arms for about 30 seconds.  Just long enough to get a few pictures. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever experienced.  There are tears in my eyes even now as I recall the moment.

Caden Garrett Hancock
5 lbs 3 oz
18 1/2 inches long

Mitch went with Caden to the NICU and I was able to go see him a couple hours later.

Mitch and I stayed in a room in Mother/Baby to recover until Thursday when we were discharged.  This is our first family picture in the NICU.  Caden was having some problems with jaundice so he was under the photo therapy lights.  That's reason for the cool shades. He never had to have any oxygen and was only on the CPAP machine for a couple of hours.  
Daddy's 1st feeding

What a sweet face!
Bonding with Mommy
We were able to board in the NICU parent suites and then back to antepartum so that we didn't have to leave him and I was always available for the feedings every 3 hours.  From start to finish we stayed in 7 different rooms at Overland Park Regional Medical Center!  We were blessed with such great nurses and doctors during our stay!  Caden continued to do well.  He needed to work on his feedings, keep his body temperature regulated, continue to do well breathing and get the bilirubin level down.  The neonatologist told us that premature babies normally stay in the NICU until their due date.  

This is the second bed in the progression of three.  They are dropping the temperature in the isolette and watching to make sure he maintains his body temperature.  His bilirubin level came down enough that we were able to get rid of the photo therapy lights!
He did great in the isolette and was moved to the big boy bed.  The feeding tube was also removed. One step closer to going home!  Our neonatologist told us on May 31st that we could start preparing to be discharged within about 48 hours.  That was quicker than we were expecting!  God has been so good to us!  
Passing his car seat test

We could feel the prayers of all of our friends and family! June 1st was Mitch's birthday and Caden came to stay with us in our room for practice.  What a great birthday gift!
Daddy's Little Buddy
This is our last picture in the NICU before being discharged!
All I've ever wanted!  Thank you God for giving me the desire of my heart!

We went to see Dr Holly for a follow up appointment on Wednesday.  Caden had already gained half a pound and weighs 5lbs 11oz and is 19 1/4 inches long.  It has been an adjustment for all of us, but we are loving it!  Mitch is able to work part time for several weeks since he had a lot of sick days saved up.  That has been a huge blessing for all of us!  On the days he works the grandmas have been more than happy to come over.  Because of the fact that he should still be inside of me for 4 more weeks, we have to be much more careful with him.  So, we'll be spending a lot of time at home, away from germs. 

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