baby boy

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

5 Months

Caden turned 5 months old this past Monday and is getting cuter by the  day :) This is my favorite time of year.  I love autumn weather, the leaves changing colors, fun fall activities and I get to celebrate my birthday and anniversary.  The last two years I've spent my favorite season doing IVF treatments and since they both failed, it really put a damper on a season I normally love.  This year was SO much more fun!!

Caden didn't have any appointments with Dr Holly this month, so once again these measurements were done by us and are approximate :)

Here are some 5 month stats...

  • weight-16lbs, 13oz
  • height-just over 25"
  • diapers- size 2, we'll switch to size 3 when our current box of diapers is gone
  • clothes- he can still wear a  few 3-6 month onesies, but his pants and pajamas are all 6 month since he's so long
  • new skills- he's getting to where he prefers to be vertical instead of horizontal.  He's very aware of his surroundings and needs to know what's going on. So, we've started letting him sit in the Bumbo and exersaucer.  He is trying to roll from his belly to his back, but hasn't quite mastered it yet. He has strong legs and wants to stand on your lap. He laughs a lot and it's so fun to find things that he thinks are funny. He continues to be very vocal and is making new sounds all the time. He also loves to squeal, usually in restaurants or during the prayer in church :) He has also tried holding his bottle by himself. He's so helpful these days!
  • hobbies- he loves reading books.  You'll see how intently to stares at the pages in the picture below. He likes to help hold the book and sometimes will turn the page. He enjoys tummy time and holds holds his head and chest up really well. He's still chewing on his hands and drooling, playing with his toys and learning his "word of the day" with daddy :)
  • feeding- he seems to be eating about the same as last month.  I haven't been pumping as much and he eats quite a bit faster so it's hard to know.
  • sleeping- not much change here, he still goes to bed between 8-9pm and gets up once or twice during the night.  He loves his food and is afraid of missing a meal :) 


Tummy time

Holding his bottle by himself

Celebrating mommy's birthday at Brio

All ready for church.  He's cute and he knows it!

Showing off

Earning his keep by matching socks

We drove to Des Moines, Iowa to meet up with Aunt Lesley for the weekend.  

Practicing driving at our gas station break in Bethany, MO

Red Barn Farm in Weston, MO with friends and family

Reading one of our favorites, "I Love You So"

Looking like a big boy wearing his Converse.  He does not like socks or shoes.  I had to snap this picture quick, because the shoes get kicked off in no time.

Picking apples at Cider Hill

Family picture at Cider Hill

All dressed up to go see our Judson church family 

Eating at Johnny Carinos on Caden's 5 month birthday

 We made some adjustments to his carseat since he's getting so big!

Looking so long!

Trying out the exersaucer

 Filling up a whole lot more of that swing than he used to

 We love it when he gives us a look out of the corner of his eye!

 Sitting up and looking pretty serious

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely LOVE the cardigan and checkered tie outfit! :-)
