baby boy

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

6 months

Caden is half a year old already!  We are having a great time getting things ready for the upcoming holidays.  Everything takes on new meaning and is so much more fun when sharing it with Caden.  We even put our Christmas decorations up early because we knew he'd love all the lights. We were also blessed to be a part of the baby dedication service at our chuch on the 17th.  This was a day I used to dread.  What joy to look forward to this service as we stood before friends, family and God to commit to raising Caden in the way of the Lord.

We went to see Dr Holly on the 14th - 1 week before he turned 6 months old.

Here are some 6 month stats...

  • weight-17lbs, 2.5oz (47%)
  • height-27 1/4 inches, almost 9 inches longer than when he was born (94%)!!!
  • diapers- size 3, we switched to size 3 on Nov 3rd
  • clothes- 6 months for everything, we're about to have to move to bigger pajamas to keep up with his length
It seems the latest trend on facebook is to list things people may or may not know about you, so Caden figured he'd join in on the fun. 

30 things you might not know about me.....

1. I love to laugh and get the hiccups from laughing nearly every day
2. 3 letter words that end in the letter "P" are especially funny, like zip, hop and tap
3. I was born with a "stork bite" on the back of my neck
4. I have been to 3 of the 50 states so far
5. I have blue eyes even though neither of my parents do, but my Grandpa Bill does
6. I have learned how to spit and love it
7. I love reading books and helping turn the pages
8. I have been rolling over from my belly to my back for several months, but can't quite go the other direction
9. I was born at 33 weeks and 5 days
10. I don't like things on my feet.  I will tolerate socks now, but kick off shoes almost immediately
11. I spent 12 days in the OPR NICU
12. I love to pinch
13. I "talk" a lot and prefer the sound the "B" makes above the rest
14. I love music, especially when mommy sings me hymns and daddy makes up songs
15. I love to eat; I think this runs in my genes
16. I'm mesmerized by whistling
17. I study things and people very closely
18. I tripled my birth weight of 5 pounds 3 ounces before I was 5 months old
19. I had no eye lashes when I was born, but now I have long eye lashes that mommy says the girls will be jealous of
20. I used to love car rides, not my favorite thing anymore
21. When I was younger I'd put my thumb in between my first 2 fingers when making a fist. This is something my daddy does
22. I have a birth mark on my chest
23. I used to hate baths, having my diaper changed and getting dressed. Now I enjoy all of them
24. When I'm sleepy I play with my left ear and fold it over. This is something my daddy did as a baby
25. I love to snuggle
26. When I wake up I rub the top of my head where I have fuzzy hair growing in. Mommy says I'm checking to see if I grew hair in the night.
27. I was dedicated at church on November 17th
28. I do not like to have my back scratched, and haven't since day one
29. My first name means spirited, fighter, pure, to bring joy. My middle name is a family name on my daddy's side. Daddy and Mommy call me Buddy as my nick name.
30. I was the answer to 5 long years of prayers and they tell me I was worth the wait

Fun in the Bumbo. Love the look on his face!

All dressed up

Carving Caden's first pumpkin

Cutest little monkey I've ever seen!

We traced his hands and feet to make a smiley face on the pumpkin

Hanging out at the Windermere Conference Center for a deacon's retreat in Roach, MO

Looking cute in his hat from Mexico. Love those sparkly blue eyes!

Caden's preemie pants that he wore home from the hospital on top of the pants he wears now

He loves to peek out of his "tent" and is holding his bottle like a big boy

Helping Daddy rake leaves

Meeting the Millsaps

Rock Chalk Jayhawk

Caden's room is even decorated for Christmas!

I won these wall clings at Bunko last week and they were perfect for Caden's room

Caden's new stocking on the left

 Looking at the lights

Pastor Steve Dighton at the dedication

 5 little boys got dedicated at this service

 Our supportive family that came to be a part of the service

 Checking out one of the smaller trees on his 6 month birthday

Still a little tipsy when sitting

Filling up more and more of that swing!

Happy 6 months, Caden!

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