baby boy

Saturday, February 9, 2013

19 weeks

Well, we are almost at the half-way point.  Time is just flying by.  I am loving the 2nd trimester :)  I feel great most of the time and I have decided feeling him move inside of me is one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced.  I also love knowing he's a BOY!  I will never get tired of hearing Mitch pray before dinner and thank God for our son!  It makes my heart so happy.  I went to see Dr Holly yesterday and we got a good report.  So thankful each time I hear that heart beating so strong.  It was 152 bpm yesterday.  She thought everything was looking great.  We will go back to the perinatologist in 2 weeks since we get to see them every 4 weeks throughout the pregnancy.  I'm excited to see how much he's grown in that time.

We made our first trip to Babies R Us last weekend and have been doing lots of research online since there are so many options.  Thanks to the girls in Sunday School and my sister for sharing their wealth of knowledge and giving us tips.

Here are a few pictures.  I'd forgotten to load the 16 week picture, so it's out of order :)  Thank you for rejoicing with us and for continuing to pray for our little family!

16 weeks
Fun pics we took at our Gender Reveal Party, Blue or Pink?
There goes the Pink!
All Blue!
18 weeks