baby boy

Thursday, April 24, 2014

11 month update

Happy Easter from the Hancock's!  We had a great weekend. Friday we went to the Good Friday service at church where we took time to remember the sacrifice that was made for us.  Then went back to church on Easter morning to celebrate the Risen Savior! We gave Caden the book, "God Gave us Easter" by the same author as one of our favorite books, "God Gave us You!" After church we spent time with each of our families enjoying good food, fellowship and beautiful weather.

Well, it's the last month before we come to the big 1 year mark! How can that be?!? He continues to bring such joy to our lives.

Here are some 11 month stats...

  • weight-21.8 on the wii
  • height-30 inches ( I measured while he was napping this time) :) I just realized that he's about half as tall as I am!
  • clothes-he's wearing 12 month clothes and 12-18 month pajamas
  • diapers-size 3
  • skills-he started climbing stairs at the end of March. He LOVES waving! He waves at people and things.  So friendly! It takes twice as long to get groceries because he has to smile and wave at all the people.  He knows the words clap, dance and wave and will do the actions when asked. He says lots of new sounds and continues to talk a lot. He stands for about 4-5 seconds before sitting down. He's started wanting to sleep on his belly. The only problem is, as soon as he rolls over, he goes right up on his hands and knees and starts crawling in his sleep! 
  • hobbies-he's recently discovered daddy's leg hair and loves to pull it by the handful :) He like to crawl around the house with a toy in his hand. The shape sorting toys are a new favorite and he can get them in the right hole sometimes.
  • feeding-Big changes here! He is doing much better with his digestive issues now that we're doing probiotics on a daily basis and Mirilax as needed.  So, he's been able to each much more than he had been. So thankful to have found something to help him! We've added chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, egg yolk, lentils, quinoa, apricots, kale &bbroth.
  • sleeping-he's been back on the normal schedule for the most part this month.  He wakes up between 8:30 and 9 with an hour nap late morning then a 2 hour nap from 3-5 then back to bed between 8:30 and 9. He still likes to get up for the 3am feeding.

I love this picture of the 2 of us!

We got together for dinner with a group of friends when Rainwater's were in town.  There's a blurry, kid-in-motion in every picture :) It was chaos, but so fun!

Driving us to Iowa to meet up with Aunt Lesley for the weekend

Our friend, Alicia, bought this onesie for us years before Caden was born.  So, excited it fits him now! God really was showing off when He created him!

Handsome like daddy

I gave Caden some bites of avocado and banana on his tray.  He eats the banana and prefers to squish the avocado in his fist!

He likes salmon!

Making baby food pouches to take with us when we're out and about

Our first Easter! We had to coordinate :)

My handsome guys

Getting ready for the Easter Egg Hunt

Playing with his new toy he got for Easter from the Hancock grandparents

Reading his new Easter books from the Whitney grandparents

 Caden & Owen looking through their Easter buckets 

11 months old!!

Watching Daddy mow the grass